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Search allows you to filter articles based on words or phrases. By default the search box returns articles that match all of the provided words, but can support other advanced search operators like OR.

electronic cigarette

This search will return articles that contain both "electronic" and "cigarette"

electronic OR cigarette

This search will return articles that contain either "electronic" or "cigarette" (or both)

"electronic cigarette"

This search will return only articles with the exact phrase "electronic cigarette"

("electronic cigarette" OR ecig) AND taxes

This search will return articles that contain either the exact phrase “electronic cigarette” or "ecig" (or both) and the word "taxes"

We've trained our computers to do some of the reading for you. Inspired by the World Health Organization's MPOWER framework, articles are grouped according to their primary subject:


Articles on promotions, sponsorships, and marketing of tobacco through media.


Articles on age restrictions for purchasing or using tobacco, such as minimum age limits.


Articles on efforts to prevent tobacco use in indoor spaces or designated areas, including vaping.


Articles on tobacco farming and cultivation.

Criminal Justice

Articles on crime, policing, and criminal prosecution related to tobacco products.


Articles on tobacco use by celebrities, in movies, or other entertainment forms.


Articles on the environmental impact of tobacco, such as pollution from cigarette butts.


Articles on flavored tobacco products, including bans, usage, and reviews.


Articles on industry activities, including financial reports and mergers.


Articles on regulations and enforcement regarding nicotine levels in tobacco products.


Articles on plain packaging and/or graphic warnings on tobacco products.


Articles on tobacco use statistics and trends, including user demographics.


Articles on tobacco product taxes and minimum price regulations.


Articles on cessation methods, products, and programs, including cessation statistics.

Health Warnings

Articles on dangers, diseases, and health risks associated with tobacco use.


Articles on issues involving the point-of-sale for tobacco products, including online.


We only label an article when we are very confident about its content or its content falls within the above categories"